This is the newest building at the University of Alaska Anchorage, compliments of ConocoPhillips, and formally named the Integrated Science Building (CPISB). Recently opened this fall, it is eco-friendly, with State-of-the-Art construction, dedicated to similar instruction, research, and interdisciplinary science.
The public was invited to the opening program, and were overwhelmed by this 120,000-square-foot facility. In addition to the three modules, or wings, adjacent to the glass atrium is a 64-seat digital planetarium, with a 33 foot dome that projects a seamless image over the entire dome surface, with a sound system to match.
ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc. pledged $15 million to support science and engineering programs at UAA, and it was named in honor of the generous oil company. Over the years, the University has become a real showpiece. My blog a few months ago talks about the Foucault Pendulum at the beautiful new library, which is the closest building to this science building, and the arts building houses three theatres that have a vibrant arts season. I don't know what's coming next, but each new building is exciting to visit for the public, and inspirational to the student.