The days are flying by, and there is a heap of activity in Anchorage. The Alaska Baseball League continues it's short season, with the Anchorage Bucs and Anchorage Glacier Pilots meeting each other regularly, and now they are each on road trips to the Kenai, Matanuska Valley (Matsu) and Fairbanks.
Some of the Princess Cruise Lines are docking right downtown now. It's less than a mile to Fourth Avenue, which is the main street of town. Some would argue that Fifth Avenue is 'more main' but all the tee shirt shops line Fourth, and that would be an indicator, wouldn't it? The number of tourists is down this year, according to those that know, but it seems the streets are crowded with people from all over the world. There is a certain number that head directly for Denali (Mt. McKinley) or fishing lodges, and some just want to drive down to the Kenai Peninsula, thereby avoiding the crowds of Anchorage. There are festivals galore, like the Bear Paw Festival in Eagle River, the Forest Fair in Girdwood (this is Alyeska Resort), the Seward Derby, and Homer Fishing Derby, too. One attraction you might overlook is the Botanical Gardens, which has trails for an outstanding stroll, with a large variety of plants, shrubs, trees, art works.
The Alaska Golf Association is running the State Golf Tournament now, with many groups having private tournaments, including the big Petroleum Club tournament, which has over 400 entries.
Then there is an assortment bike races and foot races ... biathalons
and Special Olympics competitions. Of course, you can just visit and do none of these. Relax and have a cool drink on one of the great outdoor patios at the downtown restaurants that provide a wonderful view of Mt. Susitna to the West, McKinley to the North, and the Chugach Range to the East.
Come and check us out, and you'll see why we love living here.