This beautiful image came from the daily news, so I can’t give credit, but I really like the setting . . . it’s almost time for Hallowe’en, and it’s a big deal in Anchorage. I guess dressing up gives us an alter personality for a short period. We’re watching the ‘termination dust’ coming down lower on the mountains, and soon we’ll be covered in white. We still change to studded tires around this time, and take all the plants (that we hope to winter over) indoors.
The Center for Performing Arts has a full schedule, with the Symphony and Opera, but the big performance this week is “Fiddler on the Roof”. It’s a tried and true musical, and we have a fresh look with a new director, Sam something, who gave us a talk about the goings on backstage in preparation. It’s a well-oiled machine that spends over a week in set-up and then they leave after the first performance!
The political scene is also quite active, and there are fund-raisers almost daily. . . and wildlife is still coming to downtown for foraging. So we continue to enjoy life in big A, as the snowbirds leave for the winter.
Sports of all kinds are going strong with the local high school, and the sports bars are thriving with the overlapping of baseball and football season. The NBA has been delayed this year, but there’s enough going on to fill in the blanks. Signing off for now.