So you say, where on earth is Soldotna... it's a town on the Kenai Peninsula which you pass thru on your way to Homer. Homer is the end of the road, and the Homer Spit is world-famous, but this time I actually stopped in Soldotna which is on the Kenai River. This is a real vacation spot for inbound travelers, and has grown a great deal since my last visit. But this week, we have experienced huge storms, winds and flooding, and even the old trappers are shocked over the weather and the problems it has caused.
We drove there for the Grand Igloo of the Pioneers Annual Convention, and being the hearty bunch, over 300 Pioneers made it from all over the state. It was actually publicized on the front page - above the fold - of the Fairbanks paper because the vote allows this 100 yr old group to allow women to be officers in the Grand Igloo (state)! Pretty shocking, eh!
The fishing hasn't been as good this summer as it usually is, but sufficed in keeping the guides in the black. It's been a week now, but every so often, the sun peeps thru for a few hours and you remember why you live in Alaska. This picture doesn't show the chaos caused on the Kenai Peninsula, but also, flooding north of Anchorage was just as bad. The Alaska Railroad lost a few feet of track, so all trains were cancelled. Three days of work crew and a million bucks lost found it all fixed up until the next disaster.
Sorry I haven't been blogging a lot, but I'm into some other social media these days . . . not as good as blogging, tho'.
The social scene has picked up in Anchorage with the Symphony's start of the Champagne Pops, new theatrical offerings, the Opera announcing it's season, and the stage show of Schrek comes for a week. .. not my cup of tea, but I'm sure the young 'uns will love it.
And football season is big here at the Petroleum Club, and I won a door prize to make for a good start of fall. . . The stores are already pushing Hallowe'en, and even Christmas, but please . . . . spare me . . . one thing at a time. Come visit my blog again, and I promise to write more often, and more stuff.