Thursday, May 17, 2007

Pioneers of Alaska

You probably haven't heard of the Pioneers of Alaska. Even many locals don't know about this group of older Alaskans, who have organized groups called Igloos in several major cities of Alaska. Of course, the largest group is in Anchorage. For those of you who have been reading my blogs, I have to complain about something so here goes. I've been a member for about 5 years now. One of the requirements of membership is that you have lived here for 30 years. When I was a new kid of the block, I suggested they have a webpage, since I design these. This was totally unheard of, and I was shot down. I kept my mouth shut, and didn't say any more about it, until recently, one of the older members, and a state officer (that's called the Grand Igloo) approached me, saying we do need this, especially as it would help market a wonderful book they self-published about five years ago, called Fond Memories of Alaska. I drew up a storyboard for a possible website, and she took it to the historic committee meeting. You can guess the answer. Then I suggested a local bookstore, not unlike Barnes and Nobles, only better. I went to talk with them, and they want to make the sales coincidence with an event. Of course, they are looking at a commission and discount. You already know the answer - this got nowhere. So now we have a thousand plus copies sitting in our storeroom, jealously guarded and never to be seen. It's just a shame, as they are great books. There are two volumes, each retailing for $30.
I'm going to forget the whole thing, as I lead a stress-free life, remember? In the meantime, I listed my copy on, but I didn't tell them, as I'd surely be in bad favor if they knew.
See you tomorrow.

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