Anchorage, Alaska.
On Sunday, I visited The Dome, which officially opened on Monday, October 1, 2001. The write-up is in our paper today, which also has a video here. It's hard to believe anything can be so large. It's 290' x 680" long, and 87' tall, and will afford local sports teams year-round access to their sports, ie. soccer, football, track, baseball. It is actually a part of Changepoint mega-church. However, no church funds have gone into this structure, but it's all private donations and pledges. The Changepoint ministry itself has an interesting history, that you can read about on their site.
There is nothing as beautiful as autumn in Alaska, with the colorful trees, and bustle of the locals getting ready for the long, cold winter. Plants come indoors, or get tossed. Winterizing means changing to flannel sheets on my bed, among other things. My personal goal this month is to build a great magic-show for the Hallowe'en season, and we're performing at the Library, to promote reading in general and magic in particular. So let's get going!
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