My Christmas letter is posted on my webpage if that's what you're after. There's not a lot for me to post today, as all the usual Christmas activity is taking place around here. The temperature has been below zero for a few days now, so I'm hiding indoors, unless I have some commitment elsewhere. This week does require some running around, as all of the clubs have their Christmas events. I've only gained five lbs. so far, which is minimal considering.
There are also some sad things that we learn have happened elsewhere and here, friends passing, businesses closing, social breakups . . . well, you know -- I'm sure the reader is experiencing the same thing. It's hard to absorb all at once, but this is when news arrives on the annual cards.

So I'm going to wrap up the week with solstice drumming . . . yes, I made that Eskimo drum above . . . and flight to Arizona for a few weeks. I'll try to post from there, but who knows what to expect.
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