Anchorage welcomes tourists within the city, and many travel further . . . I want to provide information and ideas on what's happening around Alaska, to inspire you to visit!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Tucson Arizona
I would write more, but I'm at the library and this computer will click off pretty soon, so I'll tell you more happier things tomorrow. It's really quite beautiful here and would probably be a desireable spot to retire except in December and January. The buildings are new and clean, and the landscaping is quite unique. The Desert Museum, is more of a nature walk than that, but walking around on the cobblestones is not the best when your popsicle toes are frozen. . . . .
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Bye to Christmas
Also, the car rental is still right at the airport, so you don't have to shuttle over to some other spot. Very convenient. My first visit is great, and I'll tell more in future blogs about the great library, downtown architecture, landscapes, etc. But for now, wait with baited breath, please . ..
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Christmas Countdown - Alaska
My Christmas letter is posted on my webpage if that's what you're after. There's not a lot for me to post today, as all the usual Christmas activity is taking place around here. The temperature has been below zero for a few days now, so I'm hiding indoors, unless I have some commitment elsewhere. This week does require some running around, as all of the clubs have their Christmas events. I've only gained five lbs. so far, which is minimal considering.
There are also some sad things that we learn have happened elsewhere and here, friends passing, businesses closing, social breakups . . . well, you know -- I'm sure the reader is experiencing the same thing. It's hard to absorb all at once, but this is when news arrives on the annual cards.

So I'm going to wrap up the week with solstice drumming . . . yes, I made that Eskimo drum above . . . and flight to Arizona for a few weeks. I'll try to post from there, but who knows what to expect.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Christmas is coming!
It's a beautiful day in Anchorage, and we're all getting ready for Christmas. We need to keep using that word, because, after all, it is honoring the birth of Christ.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Alaska Travel

As I receive Christmas cards, and notes, I realize there are so many friends out there that plan on visiting Alaska. However, they don't want to experience our cold winters. I can only say that this winter, 2007, is the warmest we've had since I arrived here in 1966. There's just a brush of snow on the ground, and at this time none predicted. It's okay with me, but it does make the long nights longer, as it's pretty dark out by 3 p.m.
This would be depressing were it not for the lively activity and events throughout the winter. It's really a good time to see the non-touristy parts of the state. Christmas brings some wonderful concerts, chorales, ice-skating on the local ponds, marginal skiing in town, but better snow at our resort of Alyeska. Also, the prices are much more attractive. But the biggest attraction, at least for me, is viewing the Northern Lights. The image above is part of what you will see, but the best part is the undulating waves, rolling across the sky, and there's just something magical in it. It's even better if you're watching it from a horse-drawn carriage, which they have operating downtown in Anchorage all winter. Town square is a city block that houses many fairs and carnivals in the summer, but in the winter, they have ice-sculturing, and ice-skating pond, and real live reindeer lead Santa into the tree-lighting ceremony.
Like most large cities, parking is at a premium here, but a new parking garage is being built as we speak. For young adventurers, and old are invited, there's a new hostel on Eagle Street, just north of Fourth Avenue, that has affordable accommodations and if you would remember the streets are named alphabetically from A street, you will find Eagle Street is 5 blocks east of the center of town. I'll tell you more about Anchorage and Alaska in my future blogs, but glad you visited anyhow!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Christmas Countdown
Friday, December 7, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007
Christmas Season
Thursday, November 29, 2007
And so November ends . . .
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Chicago Magic

Chicago is a great place to shop for magic products. I was lucky to be shown a store called Midwest Magic that had the biggest display of illusions I've seen since some warehouses a few years ago. Our host/owner, Tim Felix was kind enough to show us some great tricks. Another store that was also pretty neat was Magic, Inc. which was a little closer to downtown, and also a delight to shovel through. My host, RB, then took me to a show called Magic Cabaret at Victory Gardens Biograph Theatre. I posted a picture of P.T. Murphy above and his partner, David Parr, gave us a heap of entertainment. They had a special guest at this performance, Ross Johnson, who did some amazing mentalism illusions, so the night was really special for me.
By now, you're tired of reading about my trip, but I do also have to mention another special event I attended. This was the taping of Legends of Jazz, a public television show hosted by Ramsey Lewis. It won't be aired until April, but it was good to see Jazz Lives, and the local station is WTTW, anagram for Windows to the World, and so it is. Bye, Chicago.. . . later . ..
Saturday, November 17, 2007
The Odyssey Continues

The Embassy Suites is a first-class hotel. The thriving suburb of Schaumberg is crammed with many large company home-offices, and the one-time 'largest' shopping mall in US - that is, before Minneapolis outdid them. It is also closer to O'Hare, or ORD, or 'the airport', than downtown Chicago.
This hotel offers happy-hour nightly at 5:30 p.m. with hosted drinks. That's a good way to start the evening, but for me, it also finished it. After a bite in their nice, but empty, LaFitte Restaurant, I thought it time to luxuriate in my living room and watch some TV, read a bit, and you know, the girl-thing.

Another offering of the hotel is the catered breakfast. I chose mushrooms and bacon bits in my hand-done omelet, with the usual other things, including watermelon, for my breakfast. Okay, I know you've stopped reading this by now, but remember, it's easier than writing notes to myself, so I guess I'm just blogging to me. The swimming pool and hot-tub are calling, so I'm logging off now. My grandchildren are on the way down from Madison, WI, and I'll wait there for them.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Chicago is my kind of town
Another attraction of Chicago are the many music and theatre sites. RB treated me to a taping of Legends of Jazz on my second day here. That's the public radio station I listen to weekly, but now I found that Ramsey Lewis is starting his second season on TV. Hopefully, Anchorage will carry it, but they don't at this time. Thanks to the internet, I hope to keep in touch. This was an afternoon well-spent.
On to different things ... investigating Nordstroms and shopping, and some of the famous hotels like the Inter-Continental, Ritz-Carlton, and the Drake, and landing on the Drury Theatre in Water Tower area showing Altar Boyz. This gets a lot of press, but it was not exactly my cup of tea. I did enjoy it anyhow -- you see, I even like bad musicals. Well, today I'm onto more exploring, but for now, you're caught up on this gal's journey.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Mt. Vernon, Virginia
It was an easy trip on the Metro to get from the Capital area to Huntington Stop on the Metro, BUT . . . they're under construction there, so lots of noise, and even worse, there are no phones/phonebooths. I found a quick friend to let me use her phone and call S.A., who was going to come down and pick me up. It took about a half hour, so I had ear-plugs in my ears by then, and found a pipe to sit on. Everything changed for the better when S.A. arrived and we drove to her beautiful home in Belle Rive, one of the five original farms of George Washington. All of the homes are quite prestigious, and it was beautiful, like a warm autumn day. S.A. was on a mission -- to find a Steinway Grand Piano, and I won't go into detail on my search, but we did do a few prints and phone calls from Craig's List and then a LONG drive to a Steinway Outlet. This was not unlike a used car dealership, where they have a salesperson first, then the hammer, then the closer. The exception was that the pianos were all beautiful, and the salesman was also a concert pianist, so difficult to make a choice. Price was another BIG consideration, as I don't remember anything under $45,000. BTW, S.A. doesn't play either, but it would make a beautiful piece of furniture until she learns "Mary Had a Little Lamb". So the real trigger was the fact that 92-yr. old Mr. Steinway was coming to the store at 4 p.m. that day to sign any piano that we bought -- probably his last visit as such. No, we didn't bite.
The other attraction at S.A.'s was her dog, Jade. You've never met a better lab. She loved me immediately and that helped. She responded to any command, and was great company. She has jade colored eyed and a chocolate coat that is healthy and shiny. After two nights there, it was hard to leave her behind, even more so than S.A. (whom I also love, by the way).
So that's my story, and S.A. drove me to Washington Reagan Airport, where I took the 90 minute flight (and 2 hour Metra line ride) to Chicago, where I checked into the great hostel here.
Tomorrow I hope to catch you up-to-date on my Chicago Stop. You'll like the combination of music and magic, which is turning out great, so far, thanks to my host, Reed B. . . . yes, I avoid using names on the blog just because of you bad guys out there that spam, and steal, and all. . .
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Hostelling International Meeting
The hostelling meeting went fine, and we got a huge binder to take home, which was mostly printouts from what we can get online. It reminded me of government presentations, where they project a powerpoint slide show, then hand it to you printed out, and then read it to you. However, I will say I was pleased over how well the Hostels are doing and the national staff and Board are all very capable.
This was further proved by my flight to Chicago, where I am staying at the "Cadillac of Hostels" which is located on Congress, just off State Street. I was also greeted when I arrived from some of the gals I met in D.C. last week, so it was like, Welcome to Chicago. They have so much going on in the area, and I signed up for a few things, but I'll tell you about that in further blogs, and also I hope to be able to download some of my images when I get to a friendly computer that will be able to read my smartcard. . . . btw, everyone on earth has a cell phone but me. . . ordinarally I have no need, but travelling is difficult without one. I'm a bit out of touch for a few days here. I'll close by saying the weather is great, like springtime here, and this is such a beautiful city architecturally. . . and otherwise.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Washington D.C.
Well, this is just the peripheral information on my trip, so far. I'll get to the story of my meeting next time.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
November Sky
This beautiful shot was captured by my friend
Dee, who has that talent of photographing the
everyday scenes of Anchorage. November usually brings snow in the city,
but this year it's coming a little late. That's okay with me, because the first one usually creates havoc with the motorists. There's a lot going on in the city to keep your mind off the weather. The museum is presenting a friend playing the Korean zither tomorrow morning, and a retired minister is coming to town to preach at a local church. Plus the usual things on Sunday, like the B-fit program that a local fitness gal leads, but it's actually a Stanford Univ. thing. The Petroleum Club has it's football breakfast, as usual, and the Opera Lyricists are doing a luncheon/tea at the University, too. Anchorage is filled with options, and I haven't even mentioned the sports scene. Okay, just enjoy the extra hour we're getting tonight, and I'll be back.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Anchorage Symphony excites!

How fortunate we are in Anchorage to have so much culture -- our Center for Performing Arts, which is located downtown (where you can still park on the street). In many cities, you drive 30 plus miles to reach the theatre, and then have to pay to park in a lot, if you can even find one, and walk some distance to the theatre. Sunday, October 28th, was the second performance of the season for the Anchorage Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Randall Fleischer. They played Bernstein, Milhaud, and Gershwin. But the star of the whole show was "Spontaneous Combustion", the World Premiere of Christopher Brubeck, son of Dave. The violin soloist was Nicolas Kendall, a dynamic young artist from the Washington DC area. They received a well deserved standing ovation, and humored the audience with a trombone and violin encore, of sorts.
I want to mention to the Governor's Award Banquet in Fairbanks on Friday evening. Although the governor couldn't make it, the spot was adequately filled by Talis Colberg, our Attorney General, who gave a great speech. In Alaska, the Attorney General is appointed, not elected, and this was my first opportunity to meet him. The members of the State Council on the Arts were accommodated at the Fairbanks Princess Riverside Lodge, which is within spitting distance of the airport. They also housed many natives who were attending the AFN (Federation of Natives) convention, meeting at the same time. They had almost 300 people in attendance, and the elegant dress of the attendees did not include mukluks. If you want details of this event, click here.
On a personal note . ..Flying Alaska Airlines to Fairbanks, the hostess spilled some coffee on me, so she's sending me some kind of voucher in apology, but the best apology was her giving me two extra packets of Macadamia Nuts. The return trip wasn't so lucky. We left 40 minutes late, and the 30 minute flight was 1 1/2 hours. When we landed there were emergency vehicles, blinking lights, red over red as the pilots say -- no, not that . . . but he did tell us after we were on the ground, that they couldn't get the landing gear down, so we had circled more than once before a perfect landing . . .. Here I am trying to lead a stress-free life . . .at that point, no-stress.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Chena Hot Springs Visit

Thursday, October 25, 2007
And finally . . . snow!

Saturday, October 20, 2007
Lazy Saturday in Anchorage
Well, to get back to the Shaker Song, I got the music from a friend (pirated?) the other night, and have been playing it, and singing it. You are spared because I don't think I can put a wave or midi file on my blog. Maybe I should try. Anyhow, it sounds pretty good to me, and I'll have to put it in my repertoire. Actually, I'm into novelty songs. One of my favorites is, I'm in Love with My Attorney Bernie. I also like anything Antonio Carlos Jobim wrote. Did you know that the "J" in Jobim is a soft "J" ... I only recently realized that, as I guess it's Portuguese. Well, here I am rambling on . . you can go now. .. bye . ..
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Anchorage Scales

Aside from that, the football season is in full swing, and UAA (University of Alaska, Anchorage) has started the basketball season with a great women's team, and a men's team that's trying hard to keep up.
The weather in Anchorage is beautiful this time of year with the colorful leaves, and skies, and 'termination dust' creeping lower on neighboring mountains. (that's snow, in case you didn't catch the local terminology). . .
Friday, October 12, 2007
UAA - Jazz History - 1955 Memories

Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Early Autumn

This is a beautiful time of year in Alaska, with the colorful trees and leaves. The sun has been shining, but it's pretty chilly out there. I put the title of my blog as one of my favorite songs, which I would like to play for you, but I don't think the blog space takes wave files. I'll have to look into that. I am teaching piano, and in addition to that I'm involved in several other items of interest. If you're been reading my blog on a regular basis, you'll see I'm taking guitar lessons, as well. There's more, but it'll show up as my daily/weekly blog continues.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
The Dome

Anchorage, Alaska.
On Sunday, I visited The Dome, which officially opened on Monday, October 1, 2001. The write-up is in our paper today, which also has a video here. It's hard to believe anything can be so large. It's 290' x 680" long, and 87' tall, and will afford local sports teams year-round access to their sports, ie. soccer, football, track, baseball. It is actually a part of Changepoint mega-church. However, no church funds have gone into this structure, but it's all private donations and pledges. The Changepoint ministry itself has an interesting history, that you can read about on their site.
There is nothing as beautiful as autumn in Alaska, with the colorful trees, and bustle of the locals getting ready for the long, cold winter. Plants come indoors, or get tossed. Winterizing means changing to flannel sheets on my bed, among other things. My personal goal this month is to build a great magic-show for the Hallowe'en season, and we're performing at the Library, to promote reading in general and magic in particular. So let's get going!
Monday, October 1, 2007
Moose Visit
When you live in Anchorage, it's not surprising to see moose along the road. They run into cars and eat the flowers you have hanging outdoors on your eaves. My friend, Dee Gould, snapped this picture the other day on Northern Lights Blvd. For readers who don't know Anchorage, it's our version of a "Miracle Mile". She's quick with a camera.
Outside of this, I wanted to mention the great performance this weekend of Carmina Burana, which had over 200 people on the stage at the Performing Arts Center, plus a dozen from Children's Choir standing on 'orchestra pit' area in front of stage. It was quite dynamic and a great start for the Symphony season.
The sun is trying to shine here, but so far we're surviving a drizzle. Think positive!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Nome, not Home
It’s true! We saw this reindeer when we were up in Nome for the Pioneer Convention Sept 11-16. The man was driving right down Front Street (the main street downtown) with his window rolled down and the reindeer in the back. The reindeer was leaning over, nuzzling the driver’s face and the driver was scratching the reindeer behind the ears. It was pretty obvious that the reindeer was enjoying every minute.
This was sent to me by a neat lady who did the trip with us last week ... we're still talking about it!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

It's been a while since I pulled out my guitar case, but I found it in good shape after I dusted it off, and it was still in tune. So I proceeded to pull up information on guitars online and some of the old learning came back to me.
My class is being taught by Hector, who is an affable Mexican fellow, and we have about a dozen students. It's really a good feeling to strum along with the group, and gives us incentive to practice. Hopefully, I will get some of the chords down pat, so I can play without stress. Remember, I lead a stress-free life
When I get a good digital song together, I'll put it on my website. I don't think a blog can handle that. Back to the books!!!!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
World Travel 101
Monday, September 17, 2007
Nome to Anchorage

I started out wearing heels, but they kept getting caught in grates, mud, etc., so reverted to tennie runners the rest of the week. Yes, even to the ball, but I did switch once I got inside. The band was actually quite pleasant, and they played vanilla music (C&W and Standards) that you could dance to and talk above. They also have a local, Nome River Sally, who performed in period attire, and was very good.
Jean and I did a skit, which was three parodies of songs. Mine was to the tune of YMCA, using motions pointing to the eye (I) and then P O A -Pioneers of Alaska. It was well taken, and no tomatoes were thrown.
Since writing my blog last month, I've totally neglected my webpage, but it still does exist, so hope you'll visit there, and perhaps I'll be inspired to update things. Until then, goto
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Nome, Alaska!
The reason I'm onto this subject in that I'm heading to Nome early in the morning for four days, and should have a great story to tell. My trip is to attend the Pioneers of Alaska Convention, so with a little luck, I'll get some images to share with the reader. So check back in a few days, and hear some tales. If nothing happens, I'll make some up. Okay?
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Football Season

It's been a while since I went to a football game, and I chose a good one, as it was homecoming for South High School in Anchorage. This really doesn't mean a lot since the school has only been in existence for 3 years, but they made the most of it. The football team is really first class, as is everything else about this school.
The cheerleaders are great, and the uniforms are neat and spiffy. The pre-game exercises are a dancing treat for viewing. My friends' son is playing varsity this year for South, so my cheers went for them. They're a classy bunch, out there.
They don't have any marching bands in Anchorage, but the school band did a good job from the bleachers. The half-time program had a parade of floats from the 4 classes, followed by the princesses marching thru the sabers held by the ROTC. It was a special night, and I loved every minute, even if 'my' school was blown away by South.
By the way, the good weather also ended last night. We had steady rain all day today. So I stayed home and watched Justine Henin win the US Open. What a gal!
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Labor Day Arrives!

Monday, August 27, 2007
Beautiful life

Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Hostelling International

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
The Rains Came

The beautiful summer was abruptly closed as the rains came pouring down. It's time to come indoors and return to piano playing.. . lessons resume here, and time for students to return. School is starting next week, too, I guess. A little early this year. The State Fair is starting and because of the early school opening, it precludes many teenagers who ordinarily work the fair.
The Mayor's Cup Golf Tournament is this weekend, too. The numbers are down this year for those signing up, but I guess they do fluctuate. Kind of like global warming. This is a hoax in my opinion, and now, several others concur. And so it goes in Anchorage . . . the dog days of summer.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Wild Summer
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Rain, rain, go away

The local scene got much brighter this week, with the arrival of a real Southern Belle, Annie, who is revisiting her former home. August has a lot of visitors. In fact, there is also a magic couple from Orlando here. Actually, the female half reads the Tarot, but they are entertainers of top shelf. Anchorage is saturated with summer fairs, and last week hosted the downtown block party, Galway Days, and the Mayor's Salmon Fest in Town Square. Probably more than that, tho. One of the evening highlights is an Alaskan songwriter, most famous for his song, "I Did, I did, I did the Iditarod Trail". He's Hobo Jim, a grandfather of two, who fishes by day, and plays the clubs and theatre by night. Nonstop -- he was over 3 hours on the stage last night, and just kept better and better. There's a lot to squeeze in before the State Fair and the Start of School ... Senior's Golf Tournament coming up.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
The End
The weather has turned beautiful, and it's time for the garden walk today. This is always a special treat as many locals open their yards to the masses . . . this means me. Golf has been on the back burner for me this summer, as I have several projects going. Keep logging on, as I'm sure this will get more interesting later.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Dog Days of Summer
The Petroleum Club golf tournament has ended, and it was a big success, as always. After these two sporting events, the days start getting shorter and shorter. No more 6 a.m. tee off times, nor playing til almost midnight. It's kind of the calm after the storm.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Eskimo Games vs. Golf

Friday, July 13, 2007
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Summer Magic

We have a group of magicians that get together on a weekly basis to have lunch, and also share some tricks with each other. If visitors come, we perform a few for them, too. It's a lot of fun, especially when a tourist sees it in the paper and they come to meet us. That's what happened this week, as a couple from Vancouver B.C. came to explore. I learned a new card trick this week, too. When it starts raining, it's nice to have a place to play indoors. Our baseball season is half over and the weather hasn't helped our home team at all. What I mean is, we're not doing so hot, but then if we don't play, we don't lose. Right? Not a creative blog here, but I have been neglecting it of late. I'll try for some action soon . . .
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Saturday Wrap-Up
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
The Fourth of July

Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Independence Day
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Saturday Wrap-up

Monday, June 25, 2007
I did not see a word in the morning paper about the 'other' fire in Lake Tahoe Looking at L.A. Times website, it shows some of the luxury class homes going up in smoke. The Reno paper had no mention of the fire, even tho' they're only a few miles away. I didn't check today's paper, but we were looking at last night's information. There's got to be a way to control all these fires, but no one's come up with a magic I-pod, or cell phone that can shoot a fire out. They do everything else. In fact, they're putting so many gadgets on cell phones now, it makes one feel primitive to not have one. That's me. I had two cells, for a year each, and gave 'em up. Guess I'll settle for my computer and fax machine to keep up with the times. I still get hard copy newspaper in the morning, too. Just an old fashioned gal . ..
Sunday, June 24, 2007
The Rains Came

So, what do you do on a rainy Sunday afternoon. I've given up on movies, so decided to sort out some images. I'm posting this one of the Eskimo drum I made in a class at the University. Our teacher was Becky, and she knew her stuff -- all the supplies were there and she helped us thru all the steps. The elk drumhead is just beautiful, and I like the way the mallot turned out. The sound is a great full bass, and now I have to figure out where to play it. One of my piano students tells me she plays drums, so perhaps I'll invite her to use mine when we have our monthly birthday party at the Pioneer Home - you see, I play the piano for this every fourth Thursday, and here it is already the end of June. By the way, the mostly-hidden drum behind this big native drum is one I got in Mombasa. That's on the Indian Ocean, east side of Kenya. It surely sounds tinny compared to my new drum. Ta-dum, ta-dum, ta-dum.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
A Ho-Hum Day

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Weekend in Sitka, Alaska

Thursday, June 14, 2007
Anchorage Bucs Baseball

Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Iditarod Sled Dog Show

Quite by accident, I attended this sled dog show, and it was such a delight that I highly recommend it. It's a great idea for summer livehood of the once-a-year Iditarod dog mushers, and their families. You can view it at this site. After the performance, you are invited to go 'backstage' and hold the darling puppies, huskies, Samayods, etc. and looking at the size of their paws, you can tell what they'll look like next year. . . there are so many new tourist attractions every year, and it's getting hard to remember how primitive Anchorage was when I moved here in 1966.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Hello, Sunshine

We've been blessed with another day of sunshine. Today's paper features a great local couple who celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary with a neighborhood party and dedication of a staircase on a downtown street-connector. Anyone who knows Anchorage would know their names when they view the image above, but I don't use names on my blog. There were four picnics yesterday that I knew to choose from. The Petroleum Club held my favor, and it was a great, well-planned picnic held on the lawn between two commercial/office buildings. There were several booths with varied games like ring-toss, basketball shoot, etc. Then, the buffet line include the usual fare plus great barbecued pork ribs. Attendance was surprisingly low, and I often wonder why more members don't take advantage of the complementary events at the club. In the evening, another party for my son's in-laws who are returning to the lower states tomorrow. Food and drink a-plenty. So I call today a wind-down day.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Beautiful Day in Big A

This is one of many clever license plates in Anchorage. The local newspaper has a bunch posted here. Wait for a rainy day to view 'em all.
This evening is the start of Bucs Baseball season. Couldn't ask for a nicer evening at beautiful Mulcahy Park. We're playing Stockton (CA) so they expect nice weather like this. Maybe they brought it up.
Friends came over for tea this afternoon. The daughter is a helicopter pilot. Interesting, eh? I have another friend, whose daughter is an elephant trainer in Florida. Gee, I feel like times are changing so fast. Also had time for a swim, but that was indoors at West Hi. The slide is broken due to mechanical failure. I couldn't figure out what that meant, so a few questions later, I found out the female life guard burned out the motor for the cascading water that keeps the slide cool. Our own version of Paris Hilton. Oops, did I say that? Tomorrow is picnic day.
Friday, June 8, 2007

Don't get me started on the weather - just hoping for a sunnier weekend. Froze on the golf course yesterday, and the wind keeps stirring things up, which is worse than the temperature. My golf pro scolded me about using slick (worn out) grips, so I dropped them off to get new ones. Glad he keeps me in line -- or should I say, my ball.
The aftermath of the big fire in Anchorage -- I think I wrote about the luxury condos downtown that burned down -- had so many horror stories that I won't blog, but in addition to some homeless friends now, I found out two other friends, within blocks of the condo, have an amputated leg, and bone cancer, respectively. It's awful news. Looking at a happier side, the Convention and Visitors Bureau had their monthly business exchange last night at Rust's Flying Service, and it was delightful. The winds calmed down long enough for free flightseeing rides, and there was a band playing, several stands from local restaurants with 'bites' all complimentary. I invited some friends and relatives, and we all enjoyed.... how could you not! Here's a picture of my deck.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Fish Finally!

This is the fish submitted by another piano teacher . . . scales, get it? To see all the fish goto . . . this is the first time I've posted a link but I think I have to do it in html language, here's where you click.
I've already written about this event, so I won't 'clog my blog' with that. The big news from Anchorage is that there were three bad fires yesterday - a whole school burned down, and the fourth/top floor of a luxury condominium downtown. The black smoke spread everywhere and all major arteries to town were closed. Occupants had to move out, but many were at work and wouldn't have known til they tried to drive home. So that's my condensed blog for the day.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Blue Monday

The influx of tourists is in full swing. The weather is not cooperating so far, but tomorrow is golf day, so of course, we'll have sunshine. Dream on. We have a local celebrity that captures the admiration of just everyone. His name is Hobo Jim, and he composes all his material. He also wrote the famous,
I Did, I Did, I Did the Iditarod Trail.No, he didn't but he sure can put the song across. He performs two nights a week in Anchorage and moves on to the Kenai Peninsula and other places the rest of the week.
I don't want to let you down by not complaining about something - besides the weather. So this is my gripe of the day. Why do computer ads imply you can just turn your new computer on and start working because all the programs are installed. In actually, it takes a good four hours to get to that point. In yesterday's paper was an article about removing Norton, that keeps popping up everywhere. Good luck on that. It AIN'T easy.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Anchorage Fish

Credit for this beautiful fish art comes from Ray Troll. He's a great artist who lives in Ketchikan. I wasn't really trying to 'steal' it without permission, but my subject today has no pictures. They will be coming tomorrow I'm sure, as the big fish display was today in the atrium of the Conoco-Phillips Building, and there was a huge crowd of locals there viewing, and voting for, the decorated fish. The ideas were all so clever, and it was hard to just choose the favorite one. I'm just being too cheerful today. Of course, I have to gripe about something, and today's gripe is one that is more far reaching than just the fish exhibit. So here goes . . . WHY do people who re talking in a microphone think they have to shout to be heard. Today is the spoken word of some woman, but I am referring to rock singers, vocalists of all kinds, politicians, etc.
I hope that whoever reads this will take note that you don't have to shout into a mike if it's a working mike. So there! It's a beautiful day in big A.