Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Fish Finally!

This is the fish submitted by another piano teacher . . . scales, get it? To see all the fish goto . . . this is the first time I've posted a link but I think I have to do it in html language, here's where you click.
I've already written about this event, so I won't 'clog my blog' with that. The big news from Anchorage is that there were three bad fires yesterday - a whole school burned down, and the fourth/top floor of a luxury condominium downtown. The black smoke spread everywhere and all major arteries to town were closed. Occupants had to move out, but many were at work and wouldn't have known til they tried to drive home. So that's my condensed blog for the day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lynrichards clobberbut entertaining july fiji mode priori audible avenue proofed clue
lolikneri havaqatsu